Dynamic variables

In Go Personal Platform, dynamic variables empower you to craft highly personalized messages by incorporating various customer data points. These variables enable you to tailor your messages based on customer behaviors, creating engaging and relevant content. Here is a comprehensive list of available dynamic variables that you can seamlessly integrate into your messages:

Customer Data:

  • name

  • email

  • phone

  • Date of Last Purchase

  • Amount of Last Purchase

  • Date of Last Product Visit

  • Date of Last Added to Favorites

Shopping Cart:

  • Number of Products in Cart

  • Total Cart Amount

  • Name of Last Product Added

  • Price of Last Product Added

  • Image of Last Product Added

Recent Purchases:

  • Date of Last Purchase

  • Amount of Last Purchase

  • Name of Last Purchased Product

  • Price of Last Purchased Product

  • Image of Last Purchased Product


  • Date of Last Added to Favorites

  • Name of Last Product Added to Favorites

  • Price of Last Product Added to Favorites

  • Image of Last Product Added to Favorites

Recently Viewed:

  • Date of Last Product Viewed

  • Name of Last Viewed Product

  • Price of Last Viewed Product

  • Image of Last Viewed Product

Last updated