
  • Dashboard: Get an overview of the platform's performance in terms of revenue.

  • Analytics:

    • Personalizations: Get detailed information about your personalizations performance.

    • Recommendations: Retrieve insights on how well your recommendations are performing.

    • Usage: Real-time insights into the platform's utilization.

  • Templates Store: Explore a store of templates for your projects.

  • Segmentation:

    • RFM: Refine your audiences using RFM segmentation.

    • Contact Lists: Create static audiences importing the customers.

    • Audiences: Manage dynamic audiences.

  • Personalizations: Create personalized experiences for your customers.

  • Journeys: Design interactive user journeys.

  • Broadcasts: Send personalized messages through several channels.

  • Customers: Access the list of clients.

  • Go Live Shopping Addon:

    • Metrics and Call Listings: Analyze the performance of your calls and view important metrics.

    • Hosts: Manage your hosts and their configurations.

    • Host Groups: Organize hosts into groups for efficient management.

    • Availabilities: Configure the availability of your host groups.

    • Campaigns: Create and manage campaigns for your projects.

    • Events: Plan and manage events and calls.

  • Go Search Addon:

    • Metrics: Analyze specific search-related metric data.

    • Clusters: Clusters of similar searches.

    • Searches: List of all the searches and results.

  • General Section:

    • Integrations: Connect your project with other applications for added versatility.

    • Items: Explore the products available in the project.

    • Catalogs:

      • Templates Catalog: Access your saved templates.

      • Interactions: Interactions management for the project.

      • Goals: Custom goals management.

    • Users: Manage administrators who have access to the platform.

Last updated