
Goals are the actions we aim for customers to take as a result of personalizations and broadcasts. These objectives are crucial for measuring conversions and the associated revenue. Each goal has an associated revenue metric.

By default, the platform includes the following goals:

  • The customer purchases a product (Revenue associated: price of the product)

  • The customer adds a product to cart (Revenue associated: 0)

  • The customer adds a product to favorite (Revenue associated: 0)

  • The customer views a product detail (Revenue associated: 0)

You can also create more complex goals if necessary. This allows you to tailor the solution to any industry or use case.

You can create new goals by clicking the button "New Goal".

To create a new goal, you need to enter the name and type. The possible types are:

  • Customer visits a page

  • Customer clicks on a web element

  • Customer performs an interaction

You can also select the revenue associated with this goal. It can be a fixed value, for example, $50, or if it is an interaction, you can select the parameter of the interaction.

If the interaction involves a product, all available numerical properties associated with the product are displayed.

Last updated