
Explore a variety of scenarios where personalized recommendations significantly enhance user engagement, boost conversion rates, and improve upselling and AOV.

Discover how to create a Recommendations Personalization here.

  • Carousel featuring product recommendations with the highest likelihood of conversion on the Home page

  • A/B test different recommendation strategies on the Home page to identify the approach that performs best for your ecommerce.

  • Add an 'Explore Products' section as an additional category, featuring a grid of recommended products tailored to each customer.

  • Display recently viewed products on the Home page to re-engage returning users.

  • Display complementary products in the cart page to drive upselling.

  • Utilize multiple strategies within a single widget to yield enhanced recommendations.

  • Recommend other products from the same category on the Product Detail Page (PDP).

  • Displaying similar products on the Product Detail Page (PDP) in order to explore alternatives and find items closely related to their current selection.

  • Displaying Frequently Bought Together (FBT) items on the cart page to increase Average Order Value (AOV).

  • Explore options with Frequently Viewed Together, showing products that are commonly viewed together with those recently viewed by the customer.

  • Popular and trending products showcased on the Home page.

  • Display products similar to those recently viewed by the customer.

  • Display products similar to those added to favorites by the customer.

  • Implement the 'Complete the Look' strategy on the Product Detail Page (PDP).

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